Well, no surprise today as the voters of Portsmouth, who have no money and are completely broke, approved raising their taxes to finance a 3.2M wind turbine and gave the ‘advocates’ 4M to spend as they please while limiting any chance to amend their school budget. This was done with the approval of 2K votes.
This is the uninformed RI moron factor that keeps this place a Welfare State: Approve 2.6M financing for a 3.2M windmill that will, in 25 years, save the town 50K per year. Of course, no one cares how they will get the missing 600K to actually finish the project (can you say supplemental tax). I hope the people are smiling as they truck their trash to the dump this winter and find out this spring that the school budget fails to keep up with teacher/municipal benefits that are guaranteed.
Here’s another typical RI success story: It details how to sell out your family history and make yourself famous at the same time. A DeWolf descendent is cashing in and will never have to work again, she’s now a big-time RI advocate. Unfortunately I know a little too much about family members trashing relatives to make themselves feel good.
Here are a few more results from some amendments voted on around the US yesterday. This included NJ residents rejecting financing 450M for the Stem Cell scam, Oregon residents refusing to raise their cigarette tax to RI levels (2.02 per pack) to fund crimalien heath care and a few states trying to legalize pot. Q: How many new smokers do we need to finance free heath care for illegal aliens? A: None. They already get everything for free.
The funniest thing about the Oregon vote is the governors’ interpretation of why it was rejected: the big, bad tobacco companies purchasing votes. Well I guess that is better than the tampered voting machine excuse most Democrats use whenever they lose an election. They must saving that one for when Shillary goes down.