Thursday, March 13, 2008


Can’t believe it’s been over three weeks since I posted. I’ve worked on some really good designs and got a couple of new jobs, more on that tomorrow. Hopefully I can get the energy to get some steam off my chest while head-down, focused on getting a head start on the Spring.

Robert Pollard of Guided By Voices fame just launched a March Madness Sale to raise funds for the Miami Valley Housing Opportunities P.A.T.H. Program. Helping the homelessness in Montgomery County, Ohio. For $150 I got three items. Two from page 8 and one from page nine but your going to have to wait to find out what the items are. Everything sold out fast.

Two Of Montreal LP’s have been re-issued on color vinyl at Polyvinyl. Sunlandic Twins on blue and yellow vinyl and Satanic Panic in the Attic on white vinyl.

I purchased, and now own the rights to, three unpublished Kurt Cobain photos. I got them from the original photographer who took them on November 12, 1993 at the George Wallace Civic Center in Springfield, MA. If you missed Vampire Weekend on last week’s SNL give these guys a chance.

Here’s my list of the top 10 things to say to your friend when you see their band play live and they suck. Big Time.
10.) “It sounds really good and balanced out front.”
9.) “You guys seemed really into it, keep it up.”
8.) "You could start a cult with that shit."
7.) "I love the way you've broken free of your influences."
6.) "Your bass player was really HOLDING IT DOWN ."
5.) "You guys sounded really good from downstairs" and/or "You guys have gotten a lot better"
4.) “You were very professional when the sound guy cut your sound.”
3.) “it's weird that you guys had to open”
2.) "Man, I'm SO wasted right now...How was your set?"

and the #1 thing I like to say: “I heard Nester’s band needs a bass player”

Right there, but not making the list:
"You can tell you guys listen to really good music."
"You guys really knew the shit out of your songs."
"Jesus you guys suck"
"These bozos just don't get you bro."
Many thanks to chunklet for making my afternoon roar.