Our country's chances of success would be greatly improved if we did not listen to the partisan hacks that have got us into this mess. Including but not limited to HReid, CDodd, JReed, CSchumer, CShays, BBoxer, Fienstien, TKennedy, BFrank, and on. All of them voted for the war, had direct ties to Fannie Mac, take big gulps of pork and accept money from people that they are supposed to be overseeing. Then add in AFranken, SWhitehouse and you-know CKennedy to whip up this recipe for disaster. None of them would understand doing what is right only care about public opinion pols and always ask "what's in it for me."
The misguided notion that government will save this country continues. Is anyone really surprised that government payroll now surpasses manufacturing payroll in this country?