Monday, October 20, 2008


you are marxisant you wear a black turtleneck, you shave only every few days, you discuss Sartre at great length in bistros, and you kiss the feet of every decrepit soixante-huitard whom you encounter. It’s a social posture, designed to indicate that you are a member of an upscale elite.

they might work in the social services, or with an environmental group, or for Legal Aid, or in a vegetarian food-cooperative. These are the people who get righteously indignant over global warming, George Bush, racism, and whatever else is on National Public Radio’s current hate list. The fakery and the phoniness are palpable.

A population with living imaginations isn’t dependably predictable in its reactions. It can actually think for itself, which is profoundly terrifying to bureaucrats, politicians, and the business community. For all their stupid blather about entrepreneurial initiative and innovation, businessmen are the least imaginative people on earth.

The rest of this definition is here.